
Perfect Properties is a real estate platform that allows users to find homes they love, talk to agents, and organize their home-finding journey. We strive to make a comfortable space for our users, making a difficult process a little easier to digest.



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First Steps

With UI design as the main focus of this project, I utilized preexisting user research to drive the design of Perfect Properties. Above all else, the users want:

Emphasizing these traits, I started by developing low-fidelity wireframes for our real estate platform.




Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

The next step is to walk into the perspective of the user. With the foundational user research and the basic design, we can add details and UI elements that will reduce friction and gear the platform to benefit our users.

Which introduces our Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Creating Personality

To develop a personality and add more flavor to our design, creating a mood board for colors, setting typography, choosing appropriate imagery, and defining iconography all play a vital role in adding the details that bring the platform to life.

Mood Board

This color palette creates a warmer and more inviting tone that gives emphasis on simplicity.



As a real estate application, the platform will naturally showcase many images that are uploaded by property sellers. Adding any additional imagery may make the app feel cluttered and distracted. The imagery added to the app will be minimal, but serves as a guide for future development


Feel free to view the full STYLE GUIDE

High Fidelity Wireframes


I added animations and gestures to the working prototype to help convey the users’ experience while utilizing the platform.



Embarking on this journey of designing Perfect Properties was a great opportunity to practice my User Interface (UI) design skills. As a UX/UI designer, I embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and a desire to learn and grow. Throughout the project, I dedicated myself to understanding the principles of effective UI design, exploring different design techniques, and honing my attention to detail. By creating user-centered interfaces, conducting iterative testing, and incorporating feedback, I have developed a strong foundation in UI design. This project has not only showcased my ability to create visually appealing and intuitive interfaces but has also provided me with valuable insights into the importance of user experience and the power of well-executed design. As I continue to refine and expand my skills in UI design, I am excited to take on new projects, tackle complex design problems, and contribute to creating seamless and delightful user experiences.